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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Low Price Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)
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Monday, August 30, 2010
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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Where To Buy Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver)
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Saturday, August 28, 2010
Top 10 Places to Buy Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Best Prices Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Low Price Valley 90590 Deluxe Hitch Mount Cargo Basket
Assembly was like butter...if you cant thread together about a 10 bolts...uhhhh then learn how ... or just go to U-Haul and buy a cheezy one for like 3 times as much!
Installation: It weighs about 50+ pounds....and well, you gotta have some strength to put this puppy into the receiver. For those that might this is a heavy one..think again, it's about the lightest steel (60" wide) carrier you can get. If it's too heavy, then find something like and old milk create to prop up the back end and then lift the tougne end up and slide it into the hitch. This way you're only lifting a portion of the overall weight. The fit will always be a little loose so you may want use a locking bolt that pulls the tongue against the side of the receiver hole so the load doesn't bang back and forth.
I also picked up the cargo net for like $12 + (free shipping) just in case I have some loose stuff in the carrier.
Overall, a great Cargo Carrier for the price.
I'll be enjoying mine!
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Best Prices Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver)
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Monday, August 23, 2010
Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) Buy Now
Once set up, bikes are easy to load and unload. There is NO movement while driving. If you have a pickup and are carrying two bikes with straight handle bars (mountain bikes), there maybe a clearance issue with the bike closest to the truck. There is a longer bar available in that case. SUV's should have no problem.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010
Where To Buy Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)
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Saturday, August 21, 2010
Brand new Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver)
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Friday, August 20, 2010
Order Allen Deluxe 3-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25 or 2-Inch Receiver)
The only minor complaint I have is that there is no padding on the vertical support arm. The instructions say that bicycles should be secured together with some sort of tie-down or elastic cord while transporting. If you have a single bicycle, and you secure it to the arm, it would rub against the arm and scratch the bicycle's paint unless you put some sort of padding there, which is what I'm doing.
Other than that I'm pleased with the rack and think it is a good value.
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Best places to buy Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver)
I contacted Swagman again about my concerns and they sent me an old style connector bar for free. Kudos to them for great customer service, if I could I would add another star to my rating. However, my concerns above about the new design are still an issue. As I mentioned, it now requires a wrench to install/remove. Also, as mentioned in another review the threads on the hitch pin don't seem to operate smoothly out of the box. If they were to become damaged (seems quite possible) then you would not be able to use the rack at all. I understand what they were trying for with the new design, but it seems like change for the sake of change rather than a true improvement.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010
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Kriminelët planin trafikim të trafikut që më parë në mënyrë që të sigurohemi se shoferët në errësirë të jenë të përfshirë nëperplasjeve. Kur këto të ndodhë, ata që janë përgjegjës për realizimin e krimit do të bëjë kërkesat personale të lëndimit në mënyrë që të përfitonte nga njerëz të pafajshëm dhe për të përfituar nga shuma pagim tepruar. Shumë nga këto të përhershme do të krijojë një shembull i cili çon në një aksident trafiku rrugor, duke e bërë viktima nga shoferët pambrojtur.
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Një nga mënyrat që ju mund të shmangur të qenit një viktimë e këtyre mashtrimet trafikut është për të shmangur tailgating dhe të jetë një shofer përgjegjës në çdo kohë. Ju gjithashtu duhet të mbani mend se duke e mbajtur një distancë të sigurtë me automjetin përpara jush është shumë e rëndësishme. Të jetë veçanërisht i kujdesshëm me të automjeteve të cilat papritmas të largohen nganë T-nyjet, dhe që gjithmonë të përzënë me kujdes. Megjithatë, ju mund të bëni diçka kur të bëhet viktimë e një aksidenti scam. Ju duhet të merrni të dhënat e nevojshme dhe nëse fotografinë e mundur nga skena e aksidentit të trafikut. Këto do t'ju ndihmojnë për të konfirmuar nëse aksidenti ishte thjesht një scam. Ndërsa duke marrë një dëshmitar mund të jetë e vështirë, ju duhet të njoftoni agjencisë tuaj të sigurimit para kohe, dhe për të raportuar çdo dyshimet tek autoritetet policore.
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Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver) Review
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Buy Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver)
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Best Buy Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver)
I would recommend this hitch mount rack.
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Best Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)
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Monday, August 16, 2010
Buy Master Lock 375DAT Class III/IV Snap-On Receiver Hitch Lock with 5/8-Inch Pin
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Sunday, August 15, 2010
Discount Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)
On the minus side, this rack, unlike similar brands, does not incorporate a hitch riser. The rack rides lower to the road than I'd like, especially with the long bar it uses to go into the hitch receiver. Another minus is that the locking balls on the pins that keep the folding sections in place are almost too small to remain in the holes. They do have little wire keepers and thankfully none have come out yet. A third minus is that the metal brackets used to attach the wheel hoops are lighter than they should be and seem to have bent down slightly from use. Finally, some other brands come with an adapter to allow use with either size of hitch, while the Swagman is for 2" only.
In sum, if this is the only brand you can find, it will probably do the job. However, I'd try to find another brand that overcomes some of the minuses I've found.
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Good Swagman XC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25-Inch Receiver)
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
Purchase Master Lock 375DAT Class III/IV Snap-On Receiver Hitch Lock with 5/8-Inch Pin
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Friday, August 13, 2010
Cheap Master Lock 375DAT Class III/IV Snap-On Receiver Hitch Lock with 5/8-Inch Pin
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